Hiring Hall Retainers and hirelings for old school dungeon crawling, a generator by Ed Allen, v 1.3
Use Hyperborean races and classes for AS&SH?
Characters with a reason to hire on should get a shift in favor of hiring on their reaction rolls.
Stat rolls are straight 3D6, so some classed characters may not meet minima according to particular rules sets.
Equipment is still a work in progress, and will never be a perfect match, since rules sets differ.
If a class is inappropriate for your rules set, or the equipment is wrong, tweak or don't use the character.
The names of people, places and especially organizations get a bit dark and florid, since I used the namer directly
from DunGen where it is designed to name NPCs encountered in a dungeon, more often than not cultists and villains and such.
I'll probably make a milder variant that makes fewer torchbearers from the Blood Drinking Cult of Everlasting Pain* and such.
*I don't think you can quite get that, but it's aimed at that vein.